Work + expertise
REvolve launched in 2013 to turn textile waste into business opportunities that benefit humans and the planet. Traci specializes in textile "waste", recycling and fiber identification technologies, and circular textile systems.
Other experts with relevant skills join the team on a project-by-project basis. We work with some great people whose expertise ranges from post-consumer textiles to supply chain sustainability to circular plastics, and our network of specialists is growing.
Some of our work is highlighted below, and more info is available in What We Do #1-4. Contact us if you have questions.
TEXroad with Reverse Resources and accelerate Estonia!
When: April 2021-Feb 2022 | Status: ​Ongoing
The textile industry is linear and wasteful. Data is the key enabler of circular textiles, but it is inaccessible, locked in silos, or simply doesn't exist.
TEXroad envisions a world where the circular economy is global, digital, and powered by a single version of truth. Our mission is to provide the digital infrastructure that enables effective policy and the rapid growth of circular textiles.
New Cotton Project Led by Infinited Fiber Company
When: 2020-2023 | Status: ​In Progress
The textile industry is linear and wasteful. Even with the disruptions that came in 2020, global production is expected to grow. Textile Exchange's Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report (2020) estimates fiber consumption will increase by 30% in the next 10 years, leading to 146 million metric tons of textile fiber production by 2030. Without new circular solutions, the vast majority of these materials will come from virgin resources and end up in landfill. This is simply not an option.
The New Cotton Project is a three year multi-stakeholder project that harnesses cutting edge chemical recycling technology to pilot and scale circular fashion within garment production. We are a consortium of 12 participants from across the textile value chain who are committed to disrupt the fashion industry.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No [101000559]
Accelerating Circularity Project Led by Accelerating Circularity
When: 2020 | Status: ​Assignment Completed
The negative impact of fashion and textiles is undeniable, and a new, circular system is necessary to ease the burden on people and the planet.
To accelerate the transition to a circular industry, we must define new materials flows, understand market influences, connect the links, and validate a new circular system.
Technology Landscapes + Market Overviews
When: 2018-Present | Status: ​Services Available
It's hard for brands, retailers, suppliers, and secondhand industry players to know which technologies are the right fit for their needs. Understanding secondhand and recycling market conditions and influences can also be difficult.
We work with our client(s) to define the key questions, important details, and a scope of work. We then identify the technologies, market information, other stakeholders, opportunities, gaps, and additional details required for strategy development and decision making. We deliver these to our clients through working sessions, feedback meetings, presentations, and documentation including data, insights, and graphics.
Recycling Feedstock Assessments
When: 2016-Present | Status: ​Services Available
Investors and accelerator programs need an indication of whether or not recycling technologies can source inputs at the right spec and price. Unfortunately, most investors and accelerator program managers lack the expertise to assess this well.
REvolve's Feedstock Due Diligence process is a two step evaluation that assesses whether recycling technologies have a realistic perspective on the amount and price of available feedstocks meeting their input specification. We cover testing materials through sourcing feedstocks at scale. Ratings are assigned across 7 factors, and an over-all score is also provided. Potential investors get an overview of a technology's readiness to source feedstocks at scale, and technologies receive feedback and recommended action points to close any critical knowledge gaps.
Fibersort Project Led by Circle Economy (Traci was an employee)
When: 2016-2018 | Status: ​Completed
The accelerating rate of consumption and disposal of clothing and other textiles means new products entering the market will reach the end-of-use stage rapidly. About 70% of these items in Northwest Europe enter the waste stream instead of being reused or recycled.
Automated sorting technologies could enable the industry to turn non-rewearable textiles currently going to downcycling, landfill, or incineration into high-value recycling feedstocks. The Fibersort is a Near Infrared (NIR) based technology able to categorize textiles based on their fiber composition, structure, and color.
The Fibersort was an Interreg-funded project that ran from 2016-2020. It was led by Circle Economy in partnership with Procotex Corporation, Smart Fibersorting, Stichting Leger des Heils Reshare, Valvan Baling Systems, and Worn Again.