Textile as feedstock
Are these textiles recyclable, or are they waste? It depends.
Materials characteristics, how much there is, where it is, and many other factors influence whether or not textiles are recyclable. We work with recycling technologies and post-consumer textile companies to define feedstock specs and sorting grades that are consistent, achievable, and meet the target price.
Recycling technologies should not under estimate the cost of feedstock that meets their spec or over estimate how much of it they can realistically access. Similarly, companies that manage post-consumer textiles must actively investigate how they can adapt and collaborate to supply feedstocks in the future. Bridging the supply and demand sides of textile recycling is key to a circular transformation in the textile industry. Such alignment around post-consumer textiles must happen in Europe by 2023.
What we do:
REvolve works with both sides (and stakeholders in the middle) to develop a common understanding of what's possible and to help develop the early connections that grow into trusted supply channels.